25TH FEB 1PM: Live cookery class
Come into the greenhouse for the first of my new live cookery classes. This time: winter salads.
I’ll be in my little greenhouse kitchen cooking live. This is the first of a new live monthly class (that’s the plan, anyway, it’s a bit of an experiment).
Our topic is Winter Salads and we’ll cover:
How to make the ultimate winter Salad
The only salad dressing you’ll ever need
Three ways with the slaw
Plus time to answer your questions, swap tips and share ideas.
I’ll be live on Substack at 1pm (UK time) on Tuesday 25th February for about 40 minutes.
How do you join?
This live video class is for paid subscribers. If you’d like to, you can upgrade for 76p/wk:
It works like Instagram Live (ie: you can see me, I can’t see you, and there’s a live text chat for you to ask questions.)
You join via the Substack app or desktop.
To get the app, click below to download the Substack app. If you make sure to enable notifications, the app will notify you when we go live. Just tap that, and you’ll be able to watch and comment.
For the desktop view, just sign in to Substack and you’ll see me pop up in your Home page at 1pm.
And if you miss it, don’t panic, I’ll post a recording afterwards.
And in the meantime…
you can browse some winter salads from the archive:
Hope you can come!
Lovely photo!